"To walk  the same path ten times may give you a sense of repetition, but to walk it a hundred times may give you a renewed sensitivity and joy over every 'tiny'  thing along the way." – Arne Næss

To take a picture is to pause and carefully observe something that  attracts  you.  A self-portrait, in a way, since what you see evokes a relation to you.You are nature's mimicry of itself. It may feel like the vegetation and rocksspontaneously spring forth with their beauty from nothingness, just as the  clouds roll across the sky - without trace into existence and without force,they evoke a sense of belonging within you. Massimo has seen lush primeval forest  transformed into barren clear-cut fields on his many marches through the woods. Nature's fall to human hands. In our Anthropocene-era where environmentaldestruction feels like an unstoppable inevitability, it's not only Massimo'stender gaze towards the woods that confronts us in the pictures... but also theforest's tender gaze back. With "An Ode to Nordmarka," we are reminded ofall the beauty around us that we have access to and are a part of. Massimogives us a reminder that what we see is a gift, and it's important that we aregrateful for what is given; be conscious, pause, look around; and it alsoserves as a serious reminder that gifts are seldom reciprocated if they are notperceived as gifts.

Selected works:  for edition and availability, please contact the studio


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